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Udyam Registration

What is UdyogAadhar/Udyam?

Udyog Aadhar also known as the Aadhar to Business is a twelve-digit Unique Identification Number provided by the Ministry of Micro, Small, and Medium enterprises. The Udyog Aadhar scheme had been introduced in 2015 and has now been revised as “UDYAM”. The Udyog Aadhar scheme has now been replaced by Udyam by the Government of India.  All the industries registered under the Udyog Aadhar now have to be re-registered under the portal of UDYAM. After successfully registering, the unique identification number is issued by the Ministry of Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (MSME).

Who can register for Udyog Aadhar/Udyam? 

Only those enterprises that come under the definition of MSME can obtain Udyam registration through the Udyam Registration Portal. 

The following enterprises are considered MSME:

  • Micro-Enterprise: Those enterprises with investments, not more than 1 crore and turnover not more than 5 crores.
  • Small Enterprise: Those enterprises with investments, of not more than 10 crores and a turnover of not more than 50 crores.
  • Medium Enterprise: Those enterprises with investments, not more than 50 crores and turnover of not more than 250 crores.

What is Udyog Aadhar Certificate/Udyam Registration Certificate?

After successfully registering on the website issued by the Ministry of Micro Small and Medium Enterprise, the ministry issues a certificate of Udyog aadhar which contains the Unique Registration Number.

Now those enterprises that already have these certificates have to re-register under the Udyam Registration portal and acquire the Udyam Registration Certificate.

The Udyam Registration also like Udyog Aadhar, contains the Unique Registration Number. This certificate is absolutely necessary to take advantage of all the benefits provided by the Government of India to MSME’s. 

Registration Process:

The process of obtaining the Udyog Aadhar or Udyam registration has to be conducted online on the government-issued website which is udyamregisteration.gov.in. Those who already have the Udyog Aadhar now have to re-register under the Udyam registration portal. The website has two portals for the same. One is for the fresh applicants and one is for those who would re-register under the Udyam registration website. After the successful registration, the Udyam Registration Certificate is issued by the MSME.

The registration process for Udyam is a complicated online procedure. The whole process can be confusing and time-consuming. This is where we come in. At YouTax we have a team of experienced professionals who will make the whole process easy and hassle-free. The experts at YouTax will take care of the whole process and makes sure that your enterprise gets registered on time. All you have to do is reach out to us on our website www.you tax.in or call us on +(91) 8421447373